Creating an adequate drainage system is the critical first step in most construction projects. Retaining walls are integral to the design plan, when used to achieve level grade. These two topics are interrelated, and this book provides a complete introduction to doing both right.
Here you’ll find the data you need on average rainfall and runoff requirements so you can figure gutters, downspouts and roof drainage, and install appropriate waterproofing and dampproofing in basements and crawlspaces.
The book gives details for determining slope drainage, doing the grading, complying with street drainage requirements, and dealing with lots with septic systems. Many types of retaining wall are covered, including modular unit walls, bin and crib walls, and more. Also provides tables for estimating concrete quantities for both poured-in-place and masonry and concrete walls. Includes detailed recommendations for retaining walls in most of the situations you’re likely to encounter.
Includes a CD-ROM that brings you the entire book in an Adobe PDF file, for jobsite reference and quick word search. (This file has no print capability.) A second PDF file includes 100 sample details you can print and carry along on jobs.
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