Here you find over 100 professionally written model letters for virtually every difficult situation. Nothing puts your business in the best possible light better than a well-written letter -- especially when you can use that letter to help a bad situation become better. You'll use these letters over and over again to resolve disputes, win new clients, clarify proposals, coordinate with architects, subcontractors and owners, and insurers, schedule meetings and inspections, respond to complaints and situations that may be difficult to deal with.
Here you find letters responding to threats of legal action, letters of commendation to workers, letters of apology for defective or delayed work, letters for justification of change orders and price increases, letters explaining your insurance liability, letters explaining drug testing, injury at work, overtime, equipment use, job performance, and more.
Practically every difficult letter you'll ever have to write is in this book, already written, and available on MS-Word on the CD-ROM enclosed. Just load the letter you need, change a few phrases, print out, or e-mail and you are free to spend your time on more productive endeavors.
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