Basic concrete design principles in terms readily understood by anyone who has poured and finished site-cast structural concrete. Shows how structural engineers design concrete for buildings – foundations, slabs, columns, walls, girders, and more. Tells you what you need to know about admixtures, reinforcing, and methods of strengthening concrete, plus tips on field mixing, transit mix, pumping, and curing. Explains how to design forms for maximum strength and to prevent blow-outs, form and size slabs, beams, columns and girders, calculate the right size and reinforcing for foundations, figure loads and carrying capacities, design concrete walls, and more. Includes a CD-ROM with a limited version of an engineering software program to help you calculate beam, slab and column size and reinforcement.
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256 pages, 8-1/2 x 11
Back Cover: Basic Concrete Engineering for Builders by Max Schwartz Every construction contractor who forms and pours concrete needs to understand the working properties of this, the most common and most useful building material. Fortunately, you don't need an engineering degree to grasp basic concrete engineering principles. This manual will help qualify you as an experienced concrete professional, ready to handle reinforced structural concrete work on nearly any construction project - foundations, slabs, columns, walls, girders, and more. This manual explains basic concrete design principles in terms readily understood by anyone who has poured and finished site-cast structural concrete. The information here isn't intended to replace the work of a structural engineer. It's intended to help you understand job requirements from an engineer's perspective and deal effectively with plans and specifications for structural concrete. Here you'll find step-by-step explanations showing how structural engineers design concrete for buildings - the calculations, the tables, the checklists, the rules of thumb, the examples, the working knowledge professionals need and use on every concrete job. You may never specify requirements for structural concrete work. But every concrete specialist will be more effective with a working knowledge of the information in this manual: - Concrete: aggregates, admixtures, reinforcing, embedded items
- Mixing & placing: field mixing, transit mix, cellular lightweight, pumping, curing, testing
- Surveying: plot plans, transits, levels, foundation layout
- Formwork: form materials and design for walls, columns, slabs; forming problems
- Slabs: forming and sizing, on grade, one- and two-way, elevated, concrete joints
- Columns: calculating loads, carrying capacities, designing, reinforcing
- Walls: precast, retaining, basement, crib, reinforcing
- Beams & girders: pre- and post-tensioned, designing, drawings and specifications
Engineering Software Included: On the CD inside the back cover is an easy-to-use engineering software package for designing basic concrete elements such as beams and columns. Just enter your requirements and the program calculates the size and reinforcement of the member. It also checks if a selected member is appropriate under standard engineering practice and under normal conditions. Requires Windows 95 or higher.
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