This book is not state-specific, but it is code-specific. It's guaranteed to help you obtain the knowledge and confidence needed to pass your contractor's exam on the first try.
It lists 1,500 questions and answers -- presented in the same format used on the actual exam -- plus numerous references to the 2006 International Building Code. You'll find detailed illustrations that help clarify complicated code issues. And it also shows how to use your local codebooks to answer exam questions.
Covers administration, definitions, use and occupancy classifications, special detailed requirements based on use and occupancy, general building heights and areas, types of construction, fire-resistant-rated-construction, interior finishes, fire-protection systems, means of egress, accessability, energy effeciency, exterior walls, roof assemblies and rooftop structures, structural design and tests, soils and foundations, concrete, special construction, encroachments into public right-of-way, safeguards during construction, existing structures and more.
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