A spiral-bound, quick reference to the 2006 International Residential Code filled with easy-to-read and understand code requirements for every aspect of residential construction. This toolbox-sized guide walks you through the morass of the code. It’s packed with easy-to-understand directions, illustrations, tables, and figures to illuminate your path to inspection and approval.
Includes information on:
Deflection: Allowable deflections based on spans for different members throughout residential construction.
Dead Loads: Calculation based on typical weights of construction materials.
Fire Protection: Location of the building on the property, unit separation, emergency escape routes.
Safety: Landings at exterior doors, stair tread and riser requirements, stair and handrail requirements, handrail shapes, guards, minimum bathroom fixture clearances, ventilation and glazing requirements.
Foundations: Concrete foundation detail, footing depth requirements and lateral support requirements, foundation wall insulation requirements, foundation drain, grading and surface drainage requirements, crawlspace ventilation, and access requirements.
Floors: Wood floor framing requirements, cantilevered joists for floor framing, joists under bearing partitions, bearing at end of each joist, beam, or girder, girder spans, requirements for supports for joists framing into the side of a wood girder, lateral end support for joists, header and trimmer joist requirements, requirements for decks supported by attachment to an exterior wall, notching, cutting and drilling joists, wood trusses, draft stopping, steel floor framing, wood structural panel floor sheathing requirements, and requirements for concrete floors.
Wall Construction: Wood wall framing requirements, notching and bored hole limitations for exterior walls and bearing walls, top plate framing allowances to accommodate piping, foundation cripple wall requirements, wall bracing requirements, braced wall lines, braced wall panel construction methods for one- and two-story buildings, steel wall framing requirements, general masonry construction, ICF wall construction, exterior windows and glass door requirements, window sill height allowances.
Wall Covering: Gypsum board application requirements, water resistant barriers on exterior wall coverings, flashing requirements, exterior insulation system requirements, exterior siding, stone and masonry veneer requirements.
Roof Framing: Approved spans, framing connections, allowances for cutting and notching, wood trusses, steel roof framing requirements, roof ventilation, and attic access.
Roof Finishing: Flashing requirements, ice barrier requirements, installing code-approved wood and asphalt shingles.
Chimneys and Fireplaces: Where exterior air supply can be located, masonry fireplace clearances.
Energy Efficiency: Required R values for ceilings, walls, crawlspaces, glazing, and skylights; moisture control requirements, duct requirements.
Mechanical Systems: Accessibility requirements, drainage requirements for condensation, dryer exhaust requirements, kitchen range hood requirements, bathroom exhaust requirements, duct system requirements, combustion air requirements.
Fuel Gas: Appliance location requirements, indoor combustion air requirements, outdoor combustion air requirements, location requirements for appliances in garages, fuel-gas piping requirements, venting requirements.
Plumbing: Water and sewer requirements, piping support, protection of potable water from contamination, drainage requirements, air gaps, wet and dry venting, air admittance valves, fixture traps and clearances, shower, bathtubs, and water heater requirements.
Electrical Systems: Equipment location and clearance requirements, conductor size, electrical service requirements, load calculations, branch circuit ratings, conductor sizing and overcurrent protection, code-approved wiring methods, receptacle requirements for kitchen, baths, and all rooms, GFCI protection requirements, lighting requirements for closets.
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