Most builders, contractors, and remodelers came up through the ranks, learning their craft "in the trenches." They know how buildings go together, but office management skills like bookkeeping, accounting, payroll and job costing are often a new, and dangerous, challenge. Quicken for Contractors explains how to use Quicken, an affordable, easy-to-understand computer program published by Intuit. It shows step-by-step how Quicken can work in the builder’s office, putting accurate bookkeeping within easy reach. This manual does not include the program, but has instructions and examples, with onscreen "pictures" of familiar forms like checks, deposit slips and time cards that you can create with Quicken. Even if you only have a few minutes a week, this book will help you use Quicken to set up a basic checkbook system that will quickly tell you your cash position and job costs. You’ll learn how to set up your financial files and create valuable reports, including profit & loss statements, payroll reports and job cost reports. The companion diskette included with the book consists of a sample construction company that you can use as a tutorial, or as a template for you to plug in your own data.
230 pages, 8-1/2 x 11
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