Here you'll find national averages for prices a contractor would expect to pay, plus allowances for handling, wage rates for each trade and type of work, as well as overhead and profit.You'll find prices for the most difficult types of estimates, such as demolition, cutting and patching, working around existing conditions, plus minimum quantity and costs. The book includes detailed regional cost modifiers for adjusting your estimate to your local conditions. It features: - Material costs for thousands of items based on current national averages (including allowances for transport, handling and storage).
- Labor costs based on the prevailing rates for each trade and type of work, PLUS man-hour tables tied to each unit costs, so you can clearly see exactly how the labor cost was calcuated and make any necessary adjustments.
- Equipment costs -- including rental and operating costs.
- Square-foot tables based on the cost-per-square-foot of hundreds of actual projects -- invaluable data for quick, ballpark estimates.
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