Master the complexities of structural design and advanced framing techniques with this hands-on guide for builders and remodelers. With simple explanations in plain English you'll learn how to calculate loads, size joists and beams, and tackle many of the common structural problems faced by residential contractors -- including cantilevered floors, complex roof structures, tall window walls, and seismic and wind bracing. Plus you'll learn field-proven production techniques for advanced wall, floor, and roof framing with both dimensional and engineered lumber. You'll find information on sizing joists and beams, framing with wood I-joists, supporting oversized dormers, erecting and supporting trusses, unequal-pitched roofs, coffered ceilings, steel moment frames, jacking & shoring old houses, glulam beams and more. Fully illustrated with charts, and large clear photos.
272 pages, 8 x 11
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