The Construction Master Pro Trig Feet-Inch-Fraction calculator provides the building professional complete trigonometric function. It sets the industry standard as the most powerful and advanced construction-math calculator ever developed. With new built-in solutions and expanded preference selection you easily determine precise angle measurements and solve the most complex design and construction-math problems. In the field or office, get the job done right the first time! Handheld size of 5.6" x 3.0" x 0.5". View Interactive Product Demo
Quickly & easily figure: - Dimensional Math and Conversions: Works Directly in Feet, Inches, Fractions, Yards and Metric
- Handles All Fractions-1/2's, 1/4's, 1/8's, 1/16's, 1/32's, 1/64's
- Full Trigonometric Functions
- Easy Right Angle and Rafter Calculations, Including Slopes, Square-Ups, Common Rafter Lengths
- Regular and Irregular Hip/Valley Rafter Lengths
- Regular and Irregular Jack Rafter Lengths
- Instant Areas and Volumes
- Board Feet/Lumber Estimation
- Per Unit Material Cost
- Complete Stair Layout Solutions
- Rake Wall Function
- Column/Cone Surface Area and Volume
- D:M:S to Decimal Degree Conversions
- „X Circular calculations: Arcs, Circumference, Segments and More
- Acres, Kilograms, Pounds, Tons and Metric Tons Conversions
- Custom Settings, such as Ascending or Descending Rafter Lengths
- Plumb, Level and Cheek Cut Angles
- Memory Storage Keys
- Enhanced User Set Preferences
- Handy Backspace Key
- Paperless Tape
- Works as a Regular Calculator
Also Includes:

|     Jobber 6 Advanced Trigonometric Construction Calculator w/ 0-15 Keys