Work Smarter, Build Better, and Improve Your Bottom Line! We've taken the best features of the original Construction Master IV, added some useful new Pro functions, and made it bigger and easier to use! An essential tool for your office desktop. It's the most complete Builder's Calculator on the market! Deskop Size: 6.4” x 9.0” x 1.4” View Interactive Product Demo
Quickly & easily figure: - Dimensional Math and Conversions: Works Directly in Feet, Inches, Fractions, Yards and Metric
- Handles All Fractions-1/2's, 1/4's, 1/8's, 1/16's, 1/32's, 1/64's
- Instant Areas and Volumes
- Full Trigonometric Functions
- Easy Right Angle and Rafter Calculations, Including Slopes, Square-Ups, Common Rafter Lengths
- Regular and Irregular Hip/Valley Rafter Lengths
- Regular and Irregular Jack Rafter Lengths
- Enhanced Stair Riser/Tread Solutions, for Fast and Accurate Stair Layout
- Board Feet/Lumber Estimation
- Per Unit Material Cost
- D:M:S to Decimal Degree Conversions
- Complete Circle Solutions
- Six Material Estimation Functions, Including: Block, Brick, Column, Cone, Footing, Roof
- Acres, Kilograms, Pounds, Tons and Metric Tons Conversions
- Improved Rake Wall Function
- Custom Rafter Settings, such as Ascending or Descending Lengths
- Plumb, Level and Cheek Cut Angles
- Memory Storage Keys
- Enhanced User Set Preferences
- Handy Backspace Key
- Paperless Tape
- Works as a Regular Calculator
Also Includes: - Large, Multi-Position Tilt Display
- Large, Easy-to-Read User's Guide
- Long-Life Battery
- 1-Year Warranty
|     Calculated Industries Construction Master Pro 4105 for Windows - Architecture / Building Software Calculator
  Contractor's Plain-English Legal Guide