This product has been replaced by CI-8510For woodworkers, hobbyists, designers, decorators and landscapers, the ProjectCalc Plus Feet-Inch-Fraction calculator will help solve 100's of building and home improvement projects. Instantly calculate materials required for Paint, Wallpaper, 4 x 8 Sheets, Bricks, Blocks, Decks, Fencing, Concrete, Mulch, Carpet, Tile and more! Store custom quantities and dimensions. Prevent estimating errors and get exactly what you need to save time, money and frustration.
Handheld size of 4.75" x 2.9" x 0.4". View Interactive Product Demo
- Work in Yards, Feet, Inches, Fractions and Meters – including square and cubic formats. Convert between all standard building math dimensions.
- User may define and store values for materials such as Grout, Fence Post Spacing, Custom Tile, Board Width, Bags of Concrete, Paint Coverage and more.
- Solve square-up diagonals for truer construction.
Calculate board feet.
- Works as a standard Math calculator with +/-, x. – , %, Memory and Auto Shut-Off.
Includes: - 360-degree flip-over, hinged, hard case
- Easy-to-Read User's Guide
- Long-Life Battery
- 1-Year Warranty

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