11/22/23 - Now out of stock.
Calendar and Time-Math Calculator
With ScheduleCalc™ working with calendar and time mathematics becomes a quick and simple job. It is ideal for schedulers, production planners, contract administrators or anyone with similar tasks that require accurate time and dates for schedules and forecasts.
The ScheduleCalc accepts nearly any time measure format and will save you time and effort when solving complicated problems. There is no need to convert data before entering it. The unit has a built-in Stopwatch and Timer with Alarm which will count elapsed time up or down. Handheld size of 5.5" x 3.0" x 0.5".
- Multiple entry formats for time or date measurement and conversion in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds; Hours:Minutes:Seconds (h:m:s), Workweeks and Workdays; Add Days (+1, +2, +3) and find decimal equivalents.
- AM/PM or 24 hour (military) time formats.
- Multiple Week/Day/Date Modes. Works with any calendar or planning format.
- Built-in Stopwatch and Timer with Alarm; count-down or count-up plus ‘Split/Lap’ function with optional ‘Buzzer’.
- Easy-to-use Begin/End/Duration keys for elapsed time solutions.
- Pro Rate dollar amounts.
- Rate function for time-based billing and estimates.
- Store holidays or selected dates.
- Mode: Move quickly between calendar modes.
- Paperless Tape: Review last 20 data entries; works while built-in Timer is in use.
- Preference Settings: User definable settings; U.S., European, Day, Time, Rate, Workweek/Week, Buzzer.
- Memories: Store up to 10 separate values.
- Standard math calculations with +/-, +, -, x, ÷, %, ∆%, 1/x
- Easy-to-Follow User's Guide
- Long-Life Battery (One CR-2032)
- Armadillo Gear® Protective Hard Case
- Full One-Year Limited Warranty

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