With the EA-200 Casio Data Collection and Analysis System students are able to observe and record real world phenomena and share the data for group study! Up to seven units can connect to the EA-200 at one time. Your classroom can measure, log and graph real world data for temperature, light, voltage, and much more. Help your students bring the world into your classroom and the classroom out into the real world. Sensitive probes measure and log data temperature, light, voltage, motion, sound, force, pH, and more. Built-in microphone and speaker. Connect up to seven Casio graphing calculators. Look for "Casio Lab" programs on our education website. Includes sound sampling feature.
- The EA-200 is compatible with Casio graphing calculators, via the I/O port, to transfer and analyze data. Compatible with the FX-7400G Plus, CFX-9850G, CFX-9850GB Plus, Algebra FX 2.0 series, and FX 1.0 series. Capable of stand alone set-up; increased functionality when the E-CON application is used with the Algebra FX 2.0 and FX 1.0 Plus graphing calculators.
- Auto "ID Probe" automatically senses the type of probe connected to each port. Includes one probe each for temperature, light, and voltage. Compatible with most common probes (Barometer, CO2 Gas Sensor, Conductivity, Current & Voltage, Dissolved Oxygen, EKG, Exercise Heart Rate, Gas Pressure, Light, Microphone, Motion Detector, pH, Pressure, Temperature for a complete list of compatible probes, visit our website).
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