3/18/14 - Now out of stock.
Nothing brings clarity to fraction studies better than the Casio FX-65. It offers true fraction display and a host of powerful features that let students explore and understand fractions like never before.
- Large color-coded keys are grouped by function
- Shift key color is the same as Shift key function graphics
- Hard plastic keys resist abuse
- Solar powered with battery backup for operation in any lighting situation
- Large display shows 10 digit mantissa plus 2 digit exponent (10+2)
- Fixed decimal, scientific and engineering display notation options
- Performs calculation according to standard Mathematical priorities (MDAS order)
- 5 Memory functions (M+, M-, MR, X«M, and MC)
- Two programmable constant functions simplify repetitive calculations and conversions
- Clear last entry or clear all entries
- Backspace/correction key
- Perform basic (+, –, ×, ÷) Exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric computations using fractions
- Convert between fractions, mixed numbers, improper fractions and decimal notation
- Display indicates when a fraction can be simplified
- Simplifies fractions automatically or according to a user supplied factor
- Displays common factor used during simplification of mixed numbers and fractions
- Integer division shows quotient and remainder
- Percent operations with +, –, ×, ÷
- Math functions include: x2, Ö, x3, 3Ö, xy, xÖ, x-1, p
- Probability functions include nPr, nCr, x!, and random number
- Trigonometric functions include: sin, cos, tan, hyperbolic, inverse and inverse hyperbolic functions
- Convert angles between Deg, Rad and Grad
- Polar « rectangular conversions
- Statistics functions include Free application based newsletter x, Sx, Sx2, sn, sn-1
- Teacher packs of 10 calculators available
- Classroom sets of 30 available (Classroom Set = 3 Teacher Packs of 10)
- Permanent storage case included with Teacher Packs/Classroom Sets
- Instruction manual included
- Impact resistant slide-on case with quick reference card
- Classroom poster available
- One year limited warranty
- Toll-free hotline
|   Casio FX-65 Solar Fraction Calculator Teacher Pack