Casio has packed graphing power into a compact affordable unit. The 7400G PLUS was designed to work with the NCTM standards at a price that puts graphic technology in the hands of every student. And its powerful features don't stop there - you can link the FX-7400G PLUS to the Casio EA-100 Data Analysis System or your PC to bring the world into your classroom, and take your classroom out into the world.
- Fraction operations include conversion of fractions, mixed numbers and decimals
- Advanced functions available through on-screen, soft key menus
- Calculations performed with numbers or Lists of numbers
- 15 digit calculation accuracy with 9 digit mantissa and 2 digit exponent display
- Calculations are performed according to standard (M-D-A-S) order including parenthesis
- Up to 10 functions can be stored, graphed, traced and analyzed at the same time
- 10 Zoom features including storage of 4 user defined view windows
- Create table of values from given functions and generate plots and graphs from tables of values
- Graph functions over user defined intervals to examine piecewise continuity
- Single and double variable list-based statistics calculations including descriptive values and linear, quadratic, logarithmic, exponential and power regressions
- Single and double variable statistics graphing including box and whisker plots, median-median lines, histograms, scatter plots, X-Y lines, broken lines, regression curves
- 3 Statistical graph memories store graph definitions
List editor creates, edits and manages 6 separate data lists
- Data can be exchanged between list and table modes
- Sketch feature draws lines, points, horizontal lines and vertical lines on any graphic display
- Up to 4 pictures can be stored, and used as backgrounds for comparing graphs
- Up to 38 programs can be stored with size only limited by available memory
- Basic-like programming language includes conditional (if, then else) jumping (go to, label) and loop (for, while) commands
- 8KB of memory available
- Last answer recall stores the previous answer for compound calculations
- Memory is maintained even if the unit is turned off
- Powered by 2 AAA batteries and 1 lithium backup battery to preserve memory during battery changes
- Overhead model available for classroom use
- Teacher Packs of 10 calculators available
- Comprehensive guidebook and batteries included
- Hard-plastic keys and slide case resist abuse
- Free application based newsletter
- One year limited warranty
- Toll-free hotline
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