This product has been replaced by CS-FX9860GII. CS-FX9860G-SLIM might still be available.
The FX-9860G Graphic Calculator has a large, high contrast display with dual screen capability. Icon memu provides easy access to advanced functions.
The FX-9860G Graphic Calculator has a large, high contrast display with dual screen capability. Icon memu provides easy access to advanced functions. All the functionality of the FX-9750GPlus with USB connectivity, 1.5MB flash memory, natural display capability and a PC Emulator.
- Suggested Courses for the FX-9860G Graphing Calculator include:
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra I and II
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Calculus
- Statistics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Finance and Business
- The FX-9860G is allowed on all major exams like AP, SAT I/II, PSAT/NMSQT, ACT and state level assessments allowing graphic calculators.
|   Casio FX-9860G Slim Graphing Calculator - Compact Size