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Impress your clients and improve your return! Real
estate agents, brokers, and investors are realizing the full power
of mobility by equipping themselves with the latest productivity
tools. Impress your clients and make confident decisions while in
the field with the commercial real estate solution set.
powerOne CRE is ideal for calculating lease terms, loan payments, investment returns, and property valuations. Its easy-to-use template format makes even complex calculations simple. Quickly compute multiple scenarios to find the optimum answer, and then present it to your client on the spot. Whether you are flying at 30,000 feet over Montana, schmoozing with your clients on the golf course, or working back at the office, powerOne CRE is there with you helping you find the answers you need.
Includes powerOne Finance, a top of the line financial calculator for Palm OS, Pocket PC, or Windows and over 50 exclusive templates designed for commercial brokers, appraisers, investors, and financiers.
Available for Windows and Palm/Pocket PC as well as in one money-saving bundle. To order make your choice below.
Try it Risk-Free thanks to our 30-day money back guarantee!
Lease Templates
- Summary Lease A
- Summary Lease B
- Comparison of Lease A with B
- Advanced Payment Lease
- Commercial Lease
Loan Templates
- Loan Constant
- General Mortgage
- Mortgage Constant
- Debt Coverage
- Loan to Balance Ratio
- Loan Qualifier Ratios
- Loan APR
- Loan with Odd first payment
- Series Loan
- Loan with PITI
- Agent Commission
Cash Flow Templates
- ProForma: 10 year with qualification ratios
- Debt Service: 10 year analysis
- Basic Cash flow with dates
- Basic Cash flow with midpoint discounting
- After Tax Cash Flow: Single period
- Average Interest
Investment Templates
- Project ROI
- Cash-on-Cash Return
- Breakeven Occupancy
- Equity Dividend Rate
- Equity Return
- Net Profit
- Occupancy Rate
- Refinancing Absorption
- Total Return
- Vacancy Rate (Dollars)
- Vacancy Rate (Time)
- Vacancy Rate (Units)
- Holding Return
Valuation Templates
- Adjusted Basis
- Adjusted Price
- Weighted Appraisal
- Capitalization Rate
- Gross Rent Multiplier
- Gross Income Multiplier
Area & Other Templates
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