The new TI-34 Multiview™ calculator is designed specifically for middle grades math. In response to educator feedback, the square root key is more accessible for performing key calculations quickly. It is ideal for Middle Grades Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, General Science & Trigonometry.
- MultiView Display. View multiple calculations at the same time, plus math expressions and symbols in standard mathematical notation.
- MultiView Calculations. Enter more than one calculation, compare results and explore patterns, all on the same screen. View fraction computations in familiar textbook format.
- Toggle Key. Quickly view fractions and decimals in alternate forms. "Toggle" the answers with one button to see outcomes in different representations.
- Scrolling & Editing. Scroll through entries and investigate critical patterns.
- Standard Mathematical Notation. Expressions in the Multiview Display appear exactly as in textbooks.
- Scientific Notation Input. The new"x10n" feature replaces the EE feature on current models.
- Scientific Notation Output. View scientific notation with the proper superscripted exponents and see the output in scientific notation.
- Menus. Easy to read and navigate menus similar to those on a graphing calculator.
- Data/List Editor. New Conversions in Lists feature with the Data/List Editor helps students compare data.
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