Used calculator in good condition. Includes calculator, batteries, and slide case only.
This product has been replaced by Texas Instrument TI-73 Explorer Graphing Calculator but we still have some used units available.
Targeted For the middle grades (level 5-9) and offers the functionality of the Math Explorer Plus together with graphing features. It also features Sunburst software and will be electronically upgradable . The calculator will be able to grow with the student over time.
Features: - 8-line by 16-character display.
- Advanced functions accessed through pull-down display menus.
- Operates on lists of numbers as well as single numbers.
- Numbers calculated to 14-digit accuracy and displayed with 10 digits
plus a 2-digit exponent.
- Graphs rectangular functions, parametric expressions, polar expressions,
and recursively-defined sequences.
- Up to 10 graphing functions defined, saved, graphed, and analyzed at
one time.
- Simultaneous graphing of more than one function.
- Sequence graphing mode shows both time series and cobweb/stair-step
- 13 interactive zoom features.
- Function evaluation table shows numeric evaluation of functions in table
- Interactive analysis of function values, roots, maximums, minimums,
integrals, and derivatives. A330
- Matrix operations including inverse, determinant, transpose, augment,
and elementary-row operations.
- List-based one- and two- variable statistical analysis, including
median-median line, linear, logarithmic, exponential , power, quadratic
polynomial, cubic polynomial, and quartic polynomial regression models.
- Box-and whisker plots, histograms, scatter diagrams, and regression
equation graphs.
- Programming capability with the number of programs limited only by
available memory.
- Constant Memory.
- 28K bytes of memory available.
- Link capabilities for data transfer through I/O port.
- Unit-to-unit link included.
- TI-GRAPH LINK accessory allows information to be transferred to a
computer and to be printed or stored on disk.
- Compatible with Calculator-Based Laboratory (CBL) and Calculator-Based
Ranger (CBR) Systems to allow analysis of real-world data.
- Powered by 4 AAA Alkaline batteries with a lithium battery backup to
protect memory during main battery change.
- Impact-resistant slide case.
- Three-year limited warranty.
- An Outstanding Tool for: Algebra, Matrix Algebra, Statistics, Geometry,
Trigonometry, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Data Analysis, Science,
Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
|   Texas Instruments TI-73 Explorer Graphing Calculator (Used)