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MathU is an advanced RPN scientific and financial calculator for PalmOS handheld computers. With 80 scientific, financial, and statistical functions, 4 number bases, and 20 memory registers MathU is a powerful and inexpensive alternative to HP-11, HP-15, HP-12, HP-17, HP-19, and other powerful scientific and financial calculators you know and trust.
MathU is an excellent solution for students and
professionals in finance, computer science, physics, chemistry, or statistics. With MathU on your Palm OS device, you will always have your calculator with you.
Try it Risk-Free thanks to our 30-day money back guarantee!
Important Ordering Instructions: In order for us to generate your registration code you must provide your HotSync Username in the User field above the 'Add to Cart' button. You can find this information in the HotSync application on your PalmOS device.
General Features:
- Natural calculator interface
- Personalizable color keyboard (6 color choices, 2 on a B&W device)
- IEEE Double precision accuracy (about 16 digits)
- 16 element stack
- Double precision accuracy
- 25 key keyboard (3 functions per key)
- Function pop-up on main screen provides access to all built-in functions
- Graffiti input, copy and paste
- 16 digit display with SCI, FIX, and ENG formats. Exponents from -308 to 308.
- Status indicators for shift state, angle mode, and financial annuity mode.
- Degrees, radians, and grads angle modes
- Preferences to set the number of digits, angle mode, display format, wordsize
- Built-in quick reference
- Extensive documentation
- Supports all Palm OS devices including Visor, CLIE, HandEra, and Tungsten/T. Takes advantage of high resolution displays when available.
- 16 element stack
- 20 global registers (10 are directly accessible via the keyboard)
- Ability to swap primary and secondary registers.
- Stack and register functions: clstk, clreg, clx, p<>s, x<>y
- Stack roll up and roll down via hardware scroll buttons.
- View registers and stack
Scientific Functions:
- sin, cos, tan, sin-1, cos-1, tan-1, atan2
- sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh
- ln, lnp1, log, ex, expm1, 10x, yx, x2, sqrt, 1/x
- int, frac, floor, ceil, abs, mod, chop, pi
- deg, rad, hours, H.MS, R->P, P->R, seconds
Financial Functions:
- N (number of periods)
- i (percent interest per period)
- PMT (payment per period)
- PV (present value)
- FV (future value)
- CLFIN (clear financial registers)
- Annuity preference (toggle between payments due at the beginning of the period and payments due at the end of the period)
- View financial registers
Statistics Functions:
- S+ (accumulate statistics)
- S- (remove data from statistics)
- mean, std, rand
- %, % change, N! (factorial)
- clrstats (clear statistics registers)
- View statistics registers
Number Base Functions:
- Hex, dec, oct, bin
- Modular addition, modular subtraction, modular division, modular multiplication
- Two's complement
- And, or
- Wordsize preference (up to 48 bits)
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