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powerOne Scientific is a full-featured scientific calculator with algebraic entry, statistics, conversion, and date/time worksheets. With over 200 built in functions, 12 computation worksheets, and the ability to save unlimited user defined functions and constants, powerOne Scientific offers a powerful, easy to use, and economically priced calculator for professionals and students.
powerOne Scientific is an excellent solution for students and professionals who use advanced algebra, trigonometry, computer science, physics, chemistry and statistics. Try it Risk-Free thanks to our 30-day money back guarantee!
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Already have powerOne Scientific? If your version is below 2.0 upgrade to the latest version to take advantage of newest features and benefits!
Analysis Power
- Access over 200 built-in functions including advanced math,
trig, and Boolean logic functions
- Use algebraic entry for equations and calculations
- View calculations and equations within a 3 line input display
- Expand the display to 8 lines with a single keystroke
- Click, copy, and paste equations and numbers for easy editing
- View complete data lists and results within 12 built-in, easy-to-use
computation worksheets for unit conversion, statistics, and business
- Compute one and two variable descriptive statistics with linear,
log, exponential, and power regression, and predicted x and y
- Convert and calculate between hex, binary, octal, and decimal
number systems.
- Add unlimited user-defined variables to the built-in list of
- Save equations and numerical values to 10 quick access memory
- Define and save unlimited user functions
- Convert units for Area, Length, Mass, Temperature, and Volume
- Calculate dates and times
- Compute price markup, percent change, and sales tax for business
System Requirements
- PalmOS 3.0 or later
- 155k of handheld memory (MathLib required, 51k, installs automatically)
- 2MB of available hard drive space for User Guide and installer
- Windows 9x/2000/NT or Macintosh OS 7.0 or later for installer
Volume pricing available!
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|   powerOne Graph - Graphing Calculator for Palm Pilot - Replaces TI-83 or HP-48G