For the aspiring professional and the seasoned veteran this carefully assembled package contains the essential tools for success.
The Real Estate Success Kit utilizes the Qualifier Plus IIIx advanced residential real estate finance calculator with complete buyer qualifying functions.
The entire kit provides solutions to the most often encountered residential real estate financial situations.
The Real Estate Success Kit helps agents and mortgage loan specialists increase productivity and enhance sales technique. They learn "How To" finance knowledge as a sales tool, gain the client's confidence by solving the financing "What Ifs!" and sales options. Plus enhance credibility and maintain a professional image through timely responses.
Brokers and Trainers find the "Kit" ideal for training as the workbook covers real estate math and use of the Qualifier Plus IIIx for buyer qualifying, income and debt ratios, rent vs. buy solutions and virtually every aspect of amortization.
- Qualifier Plus IIIx Hand-Held Calculator
- Quick-Start Tutorial CD-ROM
- 85-Page Step-by-Step Workbook