This product has been replaced by CI-4080
Use the rugged Trig Plus III in the office or out in the field to build precisely and improve your bottom line! Perform advanced trigonometry, measurement and design problems with ease and accuracy.
Quickly & easily figure: - Dimensional Math and Conversions: Works Directly in Feet, Inches, Fractions, Yards and Metric
- Handles All Fractions-1/2's, 1/4's, 1/8's, 1/16's, 1/32's, 1/64's
- Full Trigonometric Functions
- Easy Right Angle and Rafter Calculations, Including Slopes, Square-Ups, Common Rafter Lengths
- Regular and Irregular Hip/Valley Rafter Lengths
- Regular and Irregular Jack Rafter Lengths
- Instant Areas and Volumes
- Board Feet/Lumber Estimation
- Per Unit Material Cost
- Complete Stair Layout Solutions
- Rake Wall Function
- Column/Cone Surface Area and Volume
- D:M:S to Decimal Degree Conversions
- Complete Circle Solutions
- Acres, Kilograms, Pounds, Tons and Metric Tons Conversions
- Custom Settings, such as Ascending or Descending Rafter Lengths
- Plumb, Level and Cheek Cut Angles
- Memory Storage Keys
- Enhanced User Set Preferences
- Handy Backspace Key
- Paperless Tape
- Works as a Regular Calculator
Also Includes: - Hard, Protective/Durable Case
- Large, Easy-to-Read User's Guide
- Small, Pocket Reference Guide
- Long-Life Battery
- 1-Year Warranty

|      Calculated Industries Construction Master Pro Trig 4080 - Advanced Trigonometric Jobsite-Math Calculator