Students will easily further their understanding of mathematics using the FX-55 Plus Fraction Mate calculator display. This powerful calculator offers a wide range of capabilities from basic math and fractions though pre-algebra. Its true fraction display shows numerator over denominator just as it is written in textbooks and the FX-55 can perform division in the same way students are taught - with quotients represented by an integer with a remainder.
- Hard, plastic, tamperproof keys
- Large, color-coded function keys
- Dual power (solar & battery)
- 8 digit LCD display
- Floating negative sign appears to the left of the number displayed
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
- Constants for +/-/×/÷
- Reciprocal capability
- Converts from fraction to decimal and vice-versa
- Keys for x2, p, 10x, xy, 1/x
- Performs operations in familiar M-D-A-S order
- 18 levels of parenthesis
- Ability to clear last and/or all entries
- Fixed decimal capability
- Change sign (+/-), percent, square root keys
- Backspace/correction key
- 4 key memory
- Large decimal point
- 3 digit separator
- Teacher packs of 10 calculators available
- Classroom sets of 30 available (Classroom Set = 3 Teacher Packs of 10)
- Permanent storage case included with Teacher Packs/Classroom Sets
- Instruction materials available in English and Spanish
- Impact resistant slide-on case with quick reference card
- Classroom poster available
- One year warranty
- Toll-free hotline
|   Casio FX-65 Solar Fraction Calculator