The CBR2 is TI's answer to an easy, affordable data collection device! Designed for teachers who want their students to collect and analyze real-world motion data, such as distance, velocity and acceleration. Great for algebra through calculus and statistics, physical science and physics.
- Pivoting sensor head (0o - 180o).
- Measures object distance from 0.5 m - 6 m(1.5 ft - 19 ft).
- Compute 1st and 2nd derivatives (velocity and acceleration) on collected distance data.
- Collects up to 512 data points.
- Rugged construction: designed to withstand classroom use.
- Lightweight and comfortable hand-held operation.
- Versatile mounting options with standard camera tripod mounting socket and removable multipurpose clamp which accommodates surfaces of 0" - 2" thickness.
- Self-contained application programs are multipurpose and menu-driven, offering simplicity for the novice and flexibility for the accomplished user.
- Built-in plot options:Distance-Time; Velocity-Time; Acceleration-Time.
- Built-in activities: Distance-Match, Velocity-Match, and Ball Bounce.
- Status indicators: red/green visible; dual-tone audible (can be disabled).
- Choice of units: feet or meters.
- Variable sampling interval: .005 sec - 1500 sec.
- Temperature compensation available for enhanced accuracy.
- Real-time distance, velocity, and acceleration.
- Data smoothing options: light; medium; heavy.
- Triggering options: calculator ENTER key; CBR TRIGGER button; time delay.
- "Repeat Sample" option uses existing parameters.
- "Easy Sample" option quickly initiates a sample using default settings.
- Operates detached from calculator after setup.
- Input/output port for direct communication with TI-73 Explorer™, TI-82,TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92 Plus.
- Send data and graphs from calculator to a computer via TI-GRAPH LINK™.
- Operates as a CBL/MBL motion probe.
- Operates with CBL (SONICchannel) programs.
- User Guide with classroom-ready math/science activities for grades 4 through 12.
- 4 AA batteries included.
- Size: 1.625" x 2.25" x 5.875"(HWL).
- Weight: 7.1 ounces (200g) including 4 AA batteries.
- One-year limited warranty.
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