Work Smarter, Build Better, and Improve Your Bottom Line! The Construction Master Pro advanced construction-math calculator provides powerful new built-in solutions and expanded preference settings. It’s easy to use in the field or office. Get the job done right the first time with fast, accurate answers. Perfect for completing layouts, bids and estimates – saves time, money, materials and frustration. The Construction Master Pro calculator was designed specifically for builders, general contractors, construction foremen or superintendents, carpenters, framing contractors, concrete/foundation contractors, remodelers and other construction pro's.Handheld size of 5.6" x 3.0" x 0.5". View Interactive Product Demo
It helps you: - Cut Costs and Errors
- Boost Estimate Accuracy
- Improve Crew Productivity
- Maximize Profitability
You no longer have to deal with tedious or repetitive calculations--common building formulas are built in, so you don't have to remember them! Features: - Dimensional Math and Conversions: Work Directly in Feet, Inches, Fractions, Yards and Metric
- Handles All Fractions-1/2's, 1/4's, 1/8's, 1/16's, 1/32's, 1/64's
- Instant Area, Volume, and Perimeters
- Easy Right Angle and Rafter Calculations, Including Slopes, Square-Ups,
- Common Rafter Lengths
- Regular and Irregular Hip/Valley Rafter Lengths
- Regular and Irregular Jack Rafter Lengths
- Complete & Enhanced Stair Riser/Tread Solutions, for Fast and Accurate Stair Layout
- Board Feet/Lumber Estimation
- Per Unit Material Cost
- Six Material Estimation Functions, Including: Block, Brick, Column, Cone, Footing, Roof
- Custom Rafter Settings, such as Ascending or Descending Lengths
- Plumb, Level and Cheek Cut Angles
- Improved Rake Wall Function
- Circular Calculations: Arcs, Circumference, Segments and More
- D:M:S to Decimal Degree Conversions
- Acres, Kilograms, Pounds, Tons and Metric Tons Conversions
- Handy Backspace Key
- Memory Storage Keys
- User Set Preferences
- Paperless Tape
- Works as a Regular Calculator
Also Includes:

|     Calculated Industries Construction Master Pro Trig 4080 - Advanced Trigonometric Jobsite-Math Calculator
  Calculated Industries Construction Master Pro Workbook and Study Guide